So sorry Republicans but today's democrats have presented a much better and believable case, it's airtight, leaving no trace of scandal, lies or deceit.
Yes, the house Democrats aced it, now it's all in the court of 2020 public opinion, and just like Trump himself, the only time the Senate Republicans, are not shooting themselves in the foot, is when they are reloading!
So, if you felt the need to flip the channel when the Senate Republicans came to the podium, we fully understand, sometimes it's tough to watch, self-inflicted wounding, what a lame juvenile like attempt, at trying to grand stand, and be Wise Guys, they really needed an adult, in their chamber for supervision!
They wander up to the microphone and make these ludicrous, non sensible, boneheaded, far fetched, false statements! And what takes the cake, is the unseemly use of the Ukraine narrative, the phony Russian propaganda plot, falsely blaming Ukraine for the 2016 Russian interference, and Trump under Putin influence, had Senate Republicans adhere to this Ukraine smear campaign, they all [Republicans] bit, hook line and sinker, the Russian bait!