Monday, September 4, 2017


It's high time we try other venues
for building wealth and self esteem,
and self employment!
Everyday can be Friday, if we
play our cards right, remember the family, friends, affilitate, network, connect is endless world-wide.

Everyone must unite, this nexus, convolution is a two fold revolution, defeat Trump and the neo-nazi alt reich minority, and economic development!

Remember the internet creates far more millionaires than Trump, or any state lottery, and billionaires will never come from the lottery, but there are quite a few  produced in cyber!

Zipcar, Uber, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Clickbank, and many, many, more who go anonymous, under assumed names, and their venture, was not a gamble, not a lottery ticket, it was Digital Products, yes, Digital Products are in, the lottery, casino's, gambling is out, plain and simple! Teach this code for ur down line
moving forward...

And where else can a teen or younger, become a millionaire,
I can safely say a lottery ticket
is very, very far fetched,
and illegal, but it's a regular occurrence online! Teach your kids code cracking. -  Whatever you need, the Solution is Here! Help and Assistance on EVERYTHING! -  Introduction to ASN

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