The $0.50 fortune system
After you have transferred a USD $0.50 payment to the email address at
the top of the list, you realize something. you've just proven to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same.
You have now seen for yourself first hand, that this business actually works!
Once you've sent a US 50 cents payment to the address at the top of the list (along with your note - this is VERY important!), then copy the contents of this page, as you'll be sending it out (as an email
message, advertising your page or posting it to a message board) to as
many people as you can, (keep in mind) that 20 is a good number of people
to reach, but with all the different ways of advertising for free on the internet the amount of views and sign-ups under you, could well exceed into the hundreds or thousands if you wish.
The more people who join the more profitable for everyone on the list, (including you).
The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR PayPal email address at
number 3 in the list - having deleted the address at Number 1 in the list, and moved the others up one position.
The best way to do this is copy and paste into emails to your family and friends.
You can copy and paste it and put ads on the internet on message boards etc.
The only thing you need to make sure of is that you type YOUR paypal email address at Number 3 in the list in STEP 2.
Of course, the address that was previously at (Number 1 should be removed,) and the other email addresses should be moved up a position to accommodate yours at Number 3. As long as you have done this correctly, your email is ready for sending!
A word of warning!
Don't be tempted to add your email address to position 1 in order to earn money fast! It doesn't work that way.
If you do that, you will ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to, and then your address will be immediately removed from the Number 1 place and you won't reach thousands of people!
But, if you add your name to the Number 3 position, there will be literally tens
of thousands of people receiving and sending the e-mail later - when your name is at the Number 1 spot!!!
Once you've got your email message ready, set a minimum of 20 people
as your main goal - but only to people you know, or to people who respond to MLM offers, or to people who've sent YOU offers.
By sending this letter and the payment via EMAIL, the response time is EXTREMELY fast.......... ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS ON THE INTERNET ARE EXTREMELY FAST!!! That's why it takes only a few days for those US$0.50 payments to start flooding into your Paypal account!
THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! The whole process should take you about 30
minutes to complete. BE PREPARED TO GET EXCITED ... YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! Half an hour of easy work is all that's needed - no capital outlay, no postage stamps, no printing, copying or waiting, and the concept is 100% legal. [As long as You Don't Spam]!
Within 14 days, over USD $4,000 cash or more will pass through your PayPal account. In fact, you can expect to receive a substantial number of USD$0.50 payments within the first few days!
Keep a copy of your email safe so that you can use it again whenever you need more cash!
Here's the math: When you send out your emails, your email address will initially be at number 3 in the list. That's the best position it can be in at this stage if you want to make serious money.
The response-rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons, which are explained later.
As long as you send your emails to people who are likely to be interested in this program, on average, you can expect a response from about 50 or more. But let's be extremely conservative here and assume that you reached your main goal of 20 people.
This is an easy target to reach as your minimum requirement to start off in this program, by this time, your email address will have moved up to Number 2 in the
list. From these 20 people, you can expect 400 people to participate
in this program too. (20 X 20 = 400.)
So, when these 400 people participate, your position has now moved up to the Number 1 spot! So, when your name starts to hit the Number 1 position within the next few days, it will be YOUR turn to collect the money!
Over the course of 14 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people, just like yourself - who are willing to invest half an hour to receive around USD $4,000 or more in cash!
The first payments will arrive within
a few days, and they will continue at the rate of about 280 payments per day for about 14 days. After that time, the volume of payments begins to taper off as your
email address vacates the Number 1 position.
That's all you need to do!
There will be around $4,000 in $0.50
payments waiting for you in your PayPal account within the next few weeks. $4,000 for just 30 minutes work!
This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your PayPal account!!! It's just
that easy!!! I think it's WORTH IT, don't you?
Remember, the 20 people is your main goal to achieve. Hence, it's just as a worst-case-scenario. This will be enough to generate a substantial amount of money into your PayPal Account.
Believe me; many people will do this and much more! Unlike many other programs, this 3-LEVEL PROGRAM costs you only USD $0.50. that's right, only USD 50 CENTS!
Only the first on the list gets your US$0.50, but everyone in the list will rise to that Number 1 position as thousands of emails are being sent out. No cheating can occur (don't be fooled by claims that this system can be cheated) as Pay Pal only allows one account per person.
Because it is so easy, the response rate is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST -Internet email FAST, and you will start seeing dramatic results in less than one week! JUST IN TIME FOR NEXT MONTH'S BILLS!
This is NOT considered SPAM if you are responding to other people's offers, or sending to friends, family and contacts, or if you are using a legitimate mailing list.
So, email your letters out today, and
then prepare yourself for a huge influx of cash within the next 14 days!!!
There are 4 factors that make this program so successful :
And all from just a simple email and a simple USD $0.50 Pay Pal transaction!
In fact, this program has faster results and a higher response rate than any other Internet program you could possibly participate in!
For most email marketing campaigns, the average response rate is between 0.5% and 5%. However, this particular program typically generates a response rate of between 20% and 30%. This is because this program is so easy to implement, it costs next to nothing, it takes just 30 minutes to implement, and the results can be seen within days.
I've been watching this type of program for years and this is about as easy and fast as you can get it. No stamps, no envelopes, no printed copies to be made - just a little effort and faith!!!
This program is structured for everyone to reach 20 people each to start. However, you are certainly not limited to 20. Send out as many emails as you want. Every 20 people you set have a return of AT LEAST USD $4,000 WITHIN 14 DAYS.
So, if you can email 50, or 100, or whatever, GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT, THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT!
However, you MUST remember that sneaking your name higher up on the
list will NOT produce the results you think, and it only cheats the other people who have put in the effort and have earned the right tobe there.
So please, play by the rules and the serious money will come to you!
You are probably skeptical of this, especially with all the different
programs out there on the Web, but if you don't try this you will never know, how fast US $0.50 can grow!
I just realized, that I had absolutely nothing to lose after all, I was only being asked to invest a measly USD $0.50 cents, and yet I could earn many thousands of dollars within two weeks.
And all for just half an hour of my time!
Therefore I went ahead and did exactly as the email requested. This took me around 30 minutes in total, and I'm oh-so glad I did it!
To get started, go to
But please play by the rules!
This program doesn't cost anything but USD $0.50 and about half an hour
of your time, and if everyone plays fair, EVERYONE WINS!!!
So there it is. You now have the knowledge that will enable you to
make over US $4,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now, is a lack of faith, or a lack of self-belief.
However, any doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few
days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it.
Some notes from the Pay Pal site which you may find useful : Pay Pal lets you pay anyone with an email address and is the world's Number 1 online payment service.
And Pay Pal (as an Ebay company) is accepted on millions of eBay outlets daily, just a countless number of online shops.
You can also use Pay Pal to pay your friends, [for example], it's a convenient way to split the phone bill with your roommate, send cash to your kids in college, or send cash to someone in another country.
Signing up for a Pay Pal account is free, it's easy, and takes only a couple of minutes.
Send Money, Pay Online or Set Up a Merchant Account -for family and friends!
PayPal is the faster, safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account.
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