Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The current exhibition in southern Confederacy, on display in the US Senate is the constant reminder of their continued neanderthal strategy of government secession, and scandalous attempts at raiding the US Treasury, as though the US House of Representatives are not [on to them], there is nothing they can conceal, so they're blatant and very calculating, and there's no win in this for these [throw-back] southern confederates!

And they're actually committing crime against humanity as they hold up stimulus funding for American families, as big business is favored over public funding for the American worker, their blatant, lack empathy for the American worker and their families survival, is totally unacceptable!

So, what these boorish, bully southern confederates [led by Moscow Mitch] tend to forget, [as public servants], there's a [Northern Union standard] to meet, and they have completely and erratically missed the mark!

And [just as they have attempted to eradicate ACA] whereby putting Millions of Americans well being in danger, with no Health Care, [we must annihilate them] 2020 and beyond.

Moreover, southern confederates endanger American's enabling foreign nationals unimpeded access to the presidential election process, aka interference, and then they seat an illegitimate, incompetent, criminal minded individual in the peoples house who foolishly believed he was above the law, and endangers American's with his public displays of [high crimes and misdemeanors] and ineptness, as the current pandemic exposes even more indecisiveness and naive leadership.

And thanks to a scandalous US Senate [impeachment travesty], America has a covid-19 epidemic with no one in charge. Mayors, Governor's and other public officials have taken the helm, and they essentially run the country!

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