Monday, October 4, 2021


BUILD BACK BETTER MIDTERMS...President Biden and the Democrats were smart to ensure every American Democrat and Republican, got economic relief byway of the (pandemic stimulus), so there's no reason, and it's just not smart politics, to obstruct the next round of financial aid (stimulus) for the American people.

But the GOP Republicans, threw the American people under the bus, and in so doing, committed political suicide, the back story to unfold with the Democrats gaining political capital, in the midterms! In this moment of pandemic politics in the political Arena, the Republicans have terribly underestimated the power of, We the People, and are poised to be annihilated!

Time and time again Republicans shoot themselves on the left foot, and now they must limp into the midterms with the dubious distinction of denying their own supporters financial aid (stimulus) in a pandemic.

Some things transcend politics and are just popular, and I don't think the Republicans are too popular with the American people at this stage, the Democrats become the good guys, and the Republicans just the opposite.

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