Wednesday, March 27, 2019

2016 AN ACT OF WAR...

Most level headed patriots believed the INTEL communities assessment of Russian meddling and interference, the liar in chief said, he believed Putin, and that said it all! At that point everyone knew, he was the epitome of the ugly double crossing American, rearing his ugly head in every nook and cranny around the world. A phony, American Commander in Chief, praising arch enemy Russia, who's attacking the US election process (in an act of war) "the Intel Community urgently requesting additional resources," the rest is, benign neglect history huh Mitch McConnell! You see Mitch had control of the purse strings, what a traitor, they were willing to cross the line of treason in exchange for the WH! And Russians were everywhere, in the White House, Trump Tower, Mar-a-lago, and then you had Republicans traveling to Russia. What is that all about?

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