Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Will the [scandalous] Forrest Trump, have coat tails and will the [Republican acquittal] backfire, i.e. the 2017 House #BlueTsunami?

So if Trump loses in 2020 are the prosecutors coming after him?

Does Mitt Romney now become a target of Republicans, if so in what fashion?

Why did we only see two articles of impeachment?

Is not [traitor talk] Helsinki impeachable?

What about the stormy Davis $130,000 [hush money obstruction]?

What about his stumbling and bumbling slurring of words, and having difficulty with pronunciation as well as, his embarrassing lack of geographical knowledge, [thinking KC was in Kansas]?

One thing is certain, either Democracy or the Republican Party, is headed for the endangered species list!

And to give Rush Limbaugh the medal of freedom, is akin to the UN voting the Nobel Peace Prize to Vladimir Putin, [what a mockery]!
Which is a trump staple, making a mockery of government, the American constitution it's statues, institutions and regulations!

Some would argue that Moscow Mitch, Lindsey Graham, and others are nothing more than throwback Southern Confederates, and they are constantly seceding government, I for one, do not trust all Republican's, for that exact reason!

And regarding the economy which started its uptick back in 2013, with a little nudge from IoT growth, the economy continues it's up swing, but it remains to be seen, if all the good indicators, [notwithstanding] deficit spending, stay so up-beat, in up-coming quarters, leading up to the 2020 election.

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