Friday, February 7, 2020


Lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindmin's unseemly expulsion from the White House can be attributed to the US Senate enabling the [Helsinki traitor] the powers associated with an authentic Commander in Chief!

Patriotic Americans everywhere, will say that the courageous, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindmin has beautiful balls!

This Administration will frame it as though, the lieutenant colonel was disloyal.
And in the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vinman, as with most military men, all he saw was [bone spurs] betrayal an American enemy, and traitor occupying the Oval Office, and lieutenant colonel, Alexander Vindmin through his military training instinctively went on the offensive. And the administration was badly mistaken, thinking the lieutenant colonel would be just another one of the presidents cronies!

And the tingle you get all over, is the fact that, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindmin was working for Uncle Sam i.e. [the American people], not the [phony Republican administration]!

So in this environment, one would certainly expect an American Hero, to have no problem finding true American rewards, awards and much empathy, regarding his future for his outstanding duty, as a true all American watch dog. Lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindmin, thank you for your service.

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